Our Services

Licensed in: Connecticut | South Carolina | Florida


“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”

-carl rogers

What We Do

Talk Therapy

Talk Therapy

Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety sucks. It sucks the joy from your life. It sucks your self esteem. It sucks the opportunity to experience your life fully, because it’s keeping you worried, isolated, going down rabbit holes in your head - about what others think, what might or might not happen in the future, or what you said or did in the past. It sucks.

Anxiety treatment can help you find the TRUTH in your life- and to challenge those lies that anxiety tells you about yourself. Together, we can identify the ways that anxiety affects you and practice using specific tools to get your power back.

ADHD Therapy

ADHD Therapy

ADHD Therapy

ADHD therapy is a supportive relationship experience. As ADHD specialists, we understand that ADHD is more than having trouble paying attention. And we know that you are also a unique individual whose neuro-divergent brain also can be your “superpower!”

Your therapist will meet with you and get to know you, your struggles and strengths. Through many different forms of assessment and conversation, we’ll identify the ways that ADHD interferes with your life. But you’ve also developed many unique coping strategies on your own- without a doubt! We’ll use those strengths and strategies as a roadmap to create a unique “user manual” of sorts for your brain.

Starting with small, attainable goals (that relate to your experience and your life) , you’ll put some tools into place to work WITH your brain for success.

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT - “Tapping”

Emotional Freedom Technique, or “Tapping” is a combination of eastern medicine and modern psychology, with hundreds of research-based studies backing its effectiveness. Modern studies show that it is effective in calming the inner centers of the brain that control anxiety- the “fight or flight” response.

EFT can help with such issues as:

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • Chronic Pain

  • Sleep issues

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.