Difficult journeys often lead to beautiful destinations.
We’ve got this.

The information on this website is for general informational purposes only. A Shift in Focus makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. The techniques, tools and strategies are not meant or implied to be in lieu of or as a replacement for therapy. Your use of the site is solely at your own risk. By downloading the materials you agree that they will not be used for resale or profit.

  • boxes with strategies for adhd

    ADHD Coping Cards

    ADHD is rough. While nothing replaces therapy or medication, these coping tips for common ADHD struggles can help.

  • Procrastinating Strategy

    Trouble getting started? This tool can help you get “unstuck.”

  • ADHD Positivity

    We can all use these reminders sometimes

  • Accomplishing Tasks Planner

    Some of us love planners. Others of us forget they even exist when we have them! Either way, this strategy can help. Contains planner and example as well as strategies page

  • Executive Skills List

    These are some of the functions of the prefrontal cortex. Executive skills are the skills we need to control emotions, stay focused, work toward goals, and get things done (and more). These are the things most affected by ADHD

  • Challenging Negative Thoughts

    This 4 page download can help you to identify harmful negative thoughts and challenge them step by step. Complete with examples.

  • What's Your Style?

    So, we know that dopamine helps us to get motivated, maintain our interest, and gives us pleasure. This fun little quiz will help you figure out where YOU like to get your dopamine hits. (This is for entertainment and self interest only. It is not diagnostic.)

  • portion of the download about ableism

    Ableism Self-Check

    As neurodivergent people living in a neurotypical world, we can feel the pressure of ableist messages from the world and those messages can be damaging. This interactive list can help you start to take a look at internalized ableism.

  • ADHD "Self Care"

    Self care is hard and it sometimes feels as if we’re being criticized for not taking care of ourselves. Here are some examples of the different ways we can take care of ourselves in a non-ableist way.